eLearning makes learning simpler, easier, more efficient, and effective. Today’s learners want relevant, accessible, self-paced, and personalised content. This need is fulfilled with the online mode of learning; here, participants can learn at their own pace.

Developed by our in-house team of professionals from the fields of psychology, social work, and education, the knowledge Alter UK imparts is a direct result of decades of holistic service delivery tackling the issues surrounding child abuse, neglect, sexual assault, and exploitation.

*Please refer below for available training courses. Price for a single training session is £95 per person +VAT. 

You will receive downloadable resources and Alter UK Certificate of Completion.

Introduction to child protection (Online)

This course provides an introduction to the issue of child sexual assault and also provides basic information on how to protect your children and those in your care, including tips on responding to disclosures. This self-paced course is suitable for parents and carers, and anyone who supports or works with children and is seeking to increase their awareness of the prevalence, impacts and causes of child sexual.

This course is also suitable as an introductory module for organisations looking to enhance their child protection learning programs or meet regulatory standards.

Single parenting a child with trauma

This course is specifically tailored for a single parents that are raising a child who is displaying signs of present sexual abuse or harassments, or have admitted of suffering of sexual abuse in the past. In detail it discusses the challenges of being a single parent of a child with trauma, including stress-reduction strategies for both child and a parent, and how to create best support strategies within the home life.

Love is a powerful vitamin (Online)

This course promotes the understanding of the power of love, acceptance and healing in an abused child’s life. Activities include identifying ways to show love to children, guiding child to a way of healing, sharing reasons why each participant’s child is lovable, and discussing adults’ need for love. Includes a discussion of a destructive situation in which a parent seems overwhelmed and unable to show love toward a child with trauma.

Right way to a healthy sexual development (Online)

This course examines several strategies for talking to young children about sexual development and the expression of sexuality. Provides information and suggestions for developing a sexuality education plan and explores the role of the home and the school in sexual education. Parents examine what naturally happens to young adolescents during their sexual growth and development and explore their own beliefs and values about sexual information and development. Strategies for communication are discussed to help parents gain confidence in talking about sexual development and sex with their young adolescents.

Protecting a child from online grooming

As a parent, it can be difficult to stay up to date with new technology and how to best protect your kids. We offer information about the ever-changing online interests of young people, the potential risks they face, and proactive strategies to help keep your child/adolescent safe while online. This course is intended to educate and empower parents by providing prevention tips to help reduce their child’s risk of online exploitation and points to help them get the conversation started about online safety with their kids, no matter what their age.

Sexual abuse and impact it has on substance abuse

This course educates parent and guardians to look for and recognise the reasons as to why their child might choose a path of substance abuse. Assists parents and guardians in creating an ongoing dialogue with their young adolescents about substance use, and helps them understand why young adolescents may use drugs. Parents will also learn to identify signs and symptoms of sexual abuse resulting in substance use and abuse and ways to intervene. Finally, they will identify strategies that they can use to help keep young adolescents off drugs and promote a drug-free lifestyle.

*For any enquiries please contact us at